12 Days of Giving

Deep River Snacks was founded with the intention of always giving back to a greater cause. They use their millions of bags each year as a platform to raise awareness for the organizations that have touched the lives of its employees, family and friends. They were looking to create a social media campaign to promote these organizations during the busy, holiday season. 


Deep River Snacks was looking for a social media campaign to educate consumers about its ten different charity partners and increase total mentions of Deep River Snacks on social media during the busy, holiday season.


Leading up to the holidays, we launched a Deep River Snacks 12 Days of Giving campaign. Each day, we featured a different Deep River Snack charitable partner. For every ‘share’ we received, Deep River Snacks donated up to $6,000 to their charity partners. But the giving didn’t stop there. Each fan who shared or tagged a friend helped us promote our charities and in return were entered for the chance to win a case of Deep River Snacks for themselves.


Over the course of the 12 Days of Giving, Deep River Snacks had the highest engagement and impressions on their social media pages to date across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Deep River Snacks saw a 449% increase in the number of social media impressions they received and 336% increase in total impressions during the campaign period.     

Additional Case Studies 

Influencer Campaigns


How Great Low Carb Bread Company built a network of influencers to increase sales.

Community Cares


How Community Coffee involved their social media followers to help them give back to veterans.

Halo Top New Flavors

halotop phone.png

The social media campaign that launched Halo Top Creamery's ten new flavors.


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